Studio Manifesto

Have Fun

Aerial yoga provides a safe way for all levels to experience inversions. When you spend time upside down, you get to see things from a new perspective. 

Our playful classes help you connect to your inner child access the pure joy and excitement that defying gravity in your hammock provides.

Having been in the fitness industry for almost a decade, I can say that the people who stick with a fitness routine, are the ones who find a movement practice that they enjoy. Something that challenges them just enough to see progress, but not so much that they feel discouraged, want to quit, or get injured trying to keep up. 

Find Your Flow

Flow can describe a category of movement, but it is also a state of awareness. 

It describes moments of total absorption, when you become so focused on the task at hand that everything else falls away.  You get lost in the moment, and become absorbed in the process. In a flow state, the inner critic is silenced.Your sense of struggle and frustration vanishes. Stress hormones leave your system, and they are replaced by feel-good neurochemicals. Flow state is associated with a healthy sense of well-being and increased happiness, enjoyment and satisfaction. It can increase productivity, motivation and consistency. The activity becomes its own reward. 

“Flowy” experiences are where every action flows seamlessly, effortlessly, from one thing to the next - and this is what we aim to create in our classes.

You can achieve a flow state when preparedness meets just the right amount of challenge. The magic ratio is to work about 4% harder than you are comfortable with. You want to stretch yourself – not snap. This is why we divided our classes into levels, so you can push the edges of your comfort zone – but not too much.

Learn more about flow

Listen to Your Body

My favorite thing that I’ve heard an instructor say in class was, “you do you”. It was so simple, but it made a huge impact on me. 

It was a reminder of why I went to yoga. Not to impress others. Not to brag about it to my friends. But to move in a way that feels good in my body. And that movement practice looks a little different to everybody. Our instructors are here to be guides, not drill sergeants. You have our permission to make any modifications or take a break whenever your body asks for it. No judgment, no shame, just doing what is best for your body at that moment.

Our kettlebell circuits are based on the philosophy of, “push when you can, rest when you can’t”. Putting the pedal to the metal each time you workout can lead to burn out and injuries. Aim to push just 4% harder each time.